Sidaoui Boutkhi
Sidaoui Boutkhi
Nationality: Algeria
Research Field:Computer Science
Current position: Lecturer at mathematics and computer science department, Salhi Ahmed university.
Research Working Experience:
Lecturer at mathematics and computer science department, Salhi Ahmed university center. Naâma, Algeria, at present.
Reviewer certified in SN Computer Science journal from January 2020 at present.
Member of Scientific Committee of CCME2020: December 20-21, Xiamen, China.
Member of Scientific Committee of ICEPECA2020: November 22-23, Beijing, China.
Research associate at SIMPA laboratory, Mohamed Boudiaf University, Oran, Algeria, from 2010 to 2018.
Member of organizing committee of CIIA'11 and CIIA'13: International Conference on Computer Science and its Applications, Saida, Algeria.